Relationships come in many forms: monogamous, non monogamous, open, closed and poly relationships are often all of these and more.
Here you will find some useful information on different types of relationships and how to make them work
Here you will find some useful information on different types of relationships and how to make them work
Poly relationships are made up of more than 2 people, there can be 3 or more people in a poly relationship, they may all engage with each other or only some may. Poly relationships are different to other open relationships where the members engage sexually with others but do not form relationships with them. Poly relationships involve affectionate and romantic attachments between people, some or all may also be sexual, with all partners aware and consenting.
For an explanation on poly from Dr Doe click here
For an explanation on poly from Dr Doe click here
Relationship formations
There are many different ways that relationships may form, there may be triads where all people engage with each other or a V formation where one person has two partners who do not engage with each other. Some formations involve 2 couples where all or some of the partners engage with each other and some may even involve more people.