When exploring our sensual potential and the link with intimacy, sexuality and spirituality within ourselves and with others, may involve the concepts of TANTRA and SACRED SEXUALITY.
Intimacy is more than just physical, it is emotional, mental and spiritual, it is a 'knowing' of another person on many levels.
It is an opening up to ourselves and others, a sensing, a sharing, a being together that grows and deepens over time, that can bring us to a sacred and spiritual joining.
It is an opening up to ourselves and others, a sensing, a sharing, a being together that grows and deepens over time, that can bring us to a sacred and spiritual joining.
Sacred Sexuality encompasses several different types of sexual practices, including: Tantra, Taoist Sexology, Kama Sutra among others.
"Although humanity has often struggled with sexuality and similarly related issues, there have always been arts and sciences devoted to honoring the sacred, sexual self. In fact, the universe and its origins are steeped in a fusion (or intercourse) of creative forces in cosmic and human forms. All sacred thought systems contain concepts of male and female aspects of this Creative Force. Additionally, every major religion and philosophy has a sect devoted to mysticism. Each sect of mysticism has a faction devoted to understanding and exploring the deeper concepts behind sacred sexuality and the practical integration of spirituality and sexuality".(Excerpt from: Sacred Sexuality–A Manual for Living Bliss by: Michael Mirdad)
"Although humanity has often struggled with sexuality and similarly related issues, there have always been arts and sciences devoted to honoring the sacred, sexual self. In fact, the universe and its origins are steeped in a fusion (or intercourse) of creative forces in cosmic and human forms. All sacred thought systems contain concepts of male and female aspects of this Creative Force. Additionally, every major religion and philosophy has a sect devoted to mysticism. Each sect of mysticism has a faction devoted to understanding and exploring the deeper concepts behind sacred sexuality and the practical integration of spirituality and sexuality".(Excerpt from: Sacred Sexuality–A Manual for Living Bliss by: Michael Mirdad)
Most of us have a basic definition of sexuality. But what’s less obvious is that sexuality is more than an act; it is an energy, an extremely powerful energy that lives inside of us whether we are thinking about sex or not.
We are compelled to live, to think, to create, to materialise our dreams into reality by way of this same exact energy.
This is the force of life that breathes us every single day of our life. It just so happens that one of the most tangible ways we relate to this powerful life force energy is through the sexual act.
Sacred sexuality gives us access to the infinite source of creative wisdom held in our bodies which can be channelled to achieve a happier, more fulfilling life. Ancient traditions had an intricate understanding of the potential to become empowered through sexual union.
So how do we reach these heightened levels of ecstasy and deeper connection?
With 5 key elements that branch out in multiple directions leaving you, the practitioner at choice for how and when you desire to bring it into your life.
What does it mean to make something sacred?
The sacred is always a relationship. It’s a relationship of time, place and you. It is the declaration to yourself and perhaps to your lover or others, that at this time, on this day, in this place, this is so! In other words it is the story we tell ourselves about what we are doing or how we are experiencing a particular thing. If in this moment we decide that our lovemaking will serve as a devotion to our bond, if we decide that each time we make love it is sanctifying our connection to all that IS, then so it is.
We are essentially claiming our capacity to become the temple of container of spiritual love, allowing these bodies to become the temple of ecstatic bliss that the Divine intended them to be. Can you allow your ordinariness to get out of the way for the Divine to make itself known in you and in your Beloved? Claim it, say it is so and so it is.
Safety is a crucial part of the ecstatic experience. Now I’m not just talking about using condoms although that may also be applicable in many cases. What I’m mainly speaking of is emotional safety. Every one of us needs to feel safe in order to have intimacy with others. Without it we will lack the freedom to express our needs let alone our sexual desires. Safety in our sexual relations supports us in feeling accepted and build a stronger self-esteem.
Just take a moment to imagine what sex might be like when you or your partner are feeling unlovable and insecure...not very exciting nor fulfilling is it? Emotional safety as well as physical safety give us room to grow and to expand.
Awareness, Mindfulness, Consciousness... It’s all about fully showing up! You have to want to be there with your lover and bring your whole self.
Pleasure. “How much pleasure can you allow yourself to feel”?
It’s quite common to find individuals who quite simply do not allow themselves to fully receive pleasure. The other issue comes when we don’t ask for what we want/need. When we ask ourselves “How much pleasure can I allow myself to feel at this moment” we are giving a rest to our limited idea of what we think we deserve.
There’s one thing that’s important to understand. Pleasure can be a phenomenal vehicle for personal growth and self awareness.
There are countless definitions of Love, the one distinction is The Energy of Love versus The Emotion of Love. The emotion of love is what most of us have experienced or will hopefully experience at some stage when falling deeply for another person, the love for their child, a sibling, an animal. It’s deep and powerful as we all know. Hence, volumes have been written.
The Energy of Love does not need a reason, nor a commitment, nor a vow. It is a field of energy that we can tap into on many different levels - physical, emotional, spiritual. It is available to all of us at any time. This Love is the foundation of everything that encompasses sacred union. Ask yourself, do you open your heart in lovemaking?
In the practice of sacred sexuality we learn to arouse our physical body while deepening our connection to the Energy of Love
thereby allowing our body temple to grow as passionate and ecstatically alive as it possibly can be. It is ultimately a practice of nurturing a greater relationship between the individuals and Spirit/God/Goddess through this beautiful vehicle we call sex.
Keep in mind, sexuality is more than a biological function of our bodies. It’s an energetic and emotional exchange, even if we’re not we’re not aware of it. In order for sacred union to be possible we need to recognise that the body is a vessel for alchemical fusion that requires love and reverence when entering into it.
We are compelled to live, to think, to create, to materialise our dreams into reality by way of this same exact energy.
This is the force of life that breathes us every single day of our life. It just so happens that one of the most tangible ways we relate to this powerful life force energy is through the sexual act.
Sacred sexuality gives us access to the infinite source of creative wisdom held in our bodies which can be channelled to achieve a happier, more fulfilling life. Ancient traditions had an intricate understanding of the potential to become empowered through sexual union.
So how do we reach these heightened levels of ecstasy and deeper connection?
With 5 key elements that branch out in multiple directions leaving you, the practitioner at choice for how and when you desire to bring it into your life.
What does it mean to make something sacred?
The sacred is always a relationship. It’s a relationship of time, place and you. It is the declaration to yourself and perhaps to your lover or others, that at this time, on this day, in this place, this is so! In other words it is the story we tell ourselves about what we are doing or how we are experiencing a particular thing. If in this moment we decide that our lovemaking will serve as a devotion to our bond, if we decide that each time we make love it is sanctifying our connection to all that IS, then so it is.
We are essentially claiming our capacity to become the temple of container of spiritual love, allowing these bodies to become the temple of ecstatic bliss that the Divine intended them to be. Can you allow your ordinariness to get out of the way for the Divine to make itself known in you and in your Beloved? Claim it, say it is so and so it is.
Safety is a crucial part of the ecstatic experience. Now I’m not just talking about using condoms although that may also be applicable in many cases. What I’m mainly speaking of is emotional safety. Every one of us needs to feel safe in order to have intimacy with others. Without it we will lack the freedom to express our needs let alone our sexual desires. Safety in our sexual relations supports us in feeling accepted and build a stronger self-esteem.
Just take a moment to imagine what sex might be like when you or your partner are feeling unlovable and insecure...not very exciting nor fulfilling is it? Emotional safety as well as physical safety give us room to grow and to expand.
Awareness, Mindfulness, Consciousness... It’s all about fully showing up! You have to want to be there with your lover and bring your whole self.
Pleasure. “How much pleasure can you allow yourself to feel”?
It’s quite common to find individuals who quite simply do not allow themselves to fully receive pleasure. The other issue comes when we don’t ask for what we want/need. When we ask ourselves “How much pleasure can I allow myself to feel at this moment” we are giving a rest to our limited idea of what we think we deserve.
There’s one thing that’s important to understand. Pleasure can be a phenomenal vehicle for personal growth and self awareness.
There are countless definitions of Love, the one distinction is The Energy of Love versus The Emotion of Love. The emotion of love is what most of us have experienced or will hopefully experience at some stage when falling deeply for another person, the love for their child, a sibling, an animal. It’s deep and powerful as we all know. Hence, volumes have been written.
The Energy of Love does not need a reason, nor a commitment, nor a vow. It is a field of energy that we can tap into on many different levels - physical, emotional, spiritual. It is available to all of us at any time. This Love is the foundation of everything that encompasses sacred union. Ask yourself, do you open your heart in lovemaking?
In the practice of sacred sexuality we learn to arouse our physical body while deepening our connection to the Energy of Love
thereby allowing our body temple to grow as passionate and ecstatically alive as it possibly can be. It is ultimately a practice of nurturing a greater relationship between the individuals and Spirit/God/Goddess through this beautiful vehicle we call sex.
Keep in mind, sexuality is more than a biological function of our bodies. It’s an energetic and emotional exchange, even if we’re not we’re not aware of it. In order for sacred union to be possible we need to recognise that the body is a vessel for alchemical fusion that requires love and reverence when entering into it.

Tantra is an ancient sexual practice that was engaged in across many cultures, mostly in the eastern world. There are many tantric teachers who you can learn these ancient arts from. This page will supply basic information and links to other more comprehensive sites.
'Tantra is arguably the oldest known art of sacred sexuality practiced today. The true story of the origins of Tantra is obscure, to say the least. The various versions of its origins include Tantra as being a well-organized system from some factions of Hinduism. Others say it came from Buddhist sects. Still others say it gradually developed from communities within small East Indian villages.
Some people believe that Tantra evolved from the practice of yoga, which, like Tantra, is about liberation and joining. In fact, many of the physically challenging sexual positions of Tantric lovemaking are actually yoga postures used for personal awakening.
Valerie Brooks, author of Tantric Awakening, summarizes the stages of the Tantric lovemaking experience as follows:
1. Physical: total concentration on the physical pleasure in the moment.
2. Emotional: immersion in loving thoughts and worship of your partner’s divinity.
3. Spiritual: feeling yourself and your partner as a single unit that is connected to Spirit, or God."
(Excerpt from: Sacred Sexuality–A Manual for Living Bliss by: Michael Mirdad)
'Tantra is arguably the oldest known art of sacred sexuality practiced today. The true story of the origins of Tantra is obscure, to say the least. The various versions of its origins include Tantra as being a well-organized system from some factions of Hinduism. Others say it came from Buddhist sects. Still others say it gradually developed from communities within small East Indian villages.
Some people believe that Tantra evolved from the practice of yoga, which, like Tantra, is about liberation and joining. In fact, many of the physically challenging sexual positions of Tantric lovemaking are actually yoga postures used for personal awakening.
Valerie Brooks, author of Tantric Awakening, summarizes the stages of the Tantric lovemaking experience as follows:
1. Physical: total concentration on the physical pleasure in the moment.
2. Emotional: immersion in loving thoughts and worship of your partner’s divinity.
3. Spiritual: feeling yourself and your partner as a single unit that is connected to Spirit, or God."
(Excerpt from: Sacred Sexuality–A Manual for Living Bliss by: Michael Mirdad)