We often hear people say its important to show appreciation and feel grateful, and it is a great tool to shift from a negative mindset but sometimes it can be very difficult. And what are the differences between to the two terms we often see interchanged.
Gratitude (noun)
the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness
Gratitude is defined as thankfulness for benefits received. It also demonstrates gratefulness or contentment with a person or a thing for what they add to your life. For example, you can have gratitude for something that makes things better. Alternatively, you can be thankful for a situation that has been removed or eradicated to make things satisfactory and your discomfort removed. Gratitude is a broad way to count your blessings without being overly specific concerning a person and single act you’re thankful for.
Gratitude is something you feel thankful for within yourself. It is more circumstantial or situational and is a result of inner satisfaction.
Appreciation (noun)
recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something: showing gratitude
Appreciation is enjoyment and recognition given to someone or something for the positive benefits that came out of a situation. In addition, it is having a complete understanding of the worth or value of something. For example, you can express your appreciation to someone for helping you move some heavy pieces of furniture. Because you realize that without them, you could not have gotten it done.
Appreciation is something that you extend to others and it benefits our relationships.
Gratitude is something we can try to learn to live in a state of every day… while appreciation gives others specific recognition for their part in your happiness or success.
Gratitude is the soil that appreciation is sown into and grows out of. There is no appreciation shown to a person without first being grateful for them and how they add value to our lives.
There is no genuine appreciation without gratitude. So the two really do go hand in hand.
I remember, many years ago, being told by a counsellor to keep a gratitude journal and write down 3 things every day I was grateful for. I bought a small book and then sat there trying to think what I was grateful for, it was hard. I was in a place that was very psychologically dark, a dark and deep hole was how I described it, and I didn’t know how to get out or even how to see some light.
Years later I came across that little book. My first entry was “I woke up”. Each day for a couple of weeks there was just one entry, often the same thing…today it was sunny….today I had a nice lunch…etc. Then I started to find a couple of things each day, I tried to make sure I didn’t repeat myself for several days and then it began to flow, and with that I saw some sunshine there was light and the hole was less deep.
Along with the gratitude journal I also started some positive affirmations. Once again it was hard, I started with “I am happy and healthy” I was actually neither, but I persisted. Over time I became healthier and happier, then I added “I am strong and successful”, in time that became a reality as well. Over time I added new affirmations, “I feel peace, I feel joy” then “Good things happen to me” and finally “I love and am loved”. From time to time another might be added regarding something that was going on in my life “I do well in my studies” or “the perfect home is waiting for me”, the last included me visualizing the home by the beach in the town where I now live.
By starting with gratitude and my little journal I was then able visualize how I wanted to be, what I wanted in my life and to eventually appreciate what and who was around me…..and express it in ways that those close to me understood how special they were and how much it meant to have them in my world
Appreciation is something that goes hand in hand with gratitude, it can be showing gratitude for what we appreciate, and it can be showing appreciation to others for the things related to them that we are grateful for.
We often silently have gratitude and appreciate certain things in our lives but do we tell those people?
So I invite you to cultivate gratitude and show appreciation to those around you, it can certainly improve our relationships in many ways.