Goodbye 2016 and Heeeellllllooooo 2017........
This year has been mostly uneventful, work, study, family, some health issues and a time for learning more about myself and where I am going in my life.
As a universal 9 year it was a time for everyone to let go of the past 9 years to be ready to welcome in the new beginnings of the universal 1 year of 2017. Personally 2017 is also a 4 year for me, a focus on career, so with that in mind it makes sense that it is a time for new beginnings career wise and setting foundations for my future as a clinical sexologist, completing my research dissertation and looking to graduation in early 2018.
With only a week left of this year it is time to let go of the things that no longer serve you, I have done several blogs over the past few months about letting go, it has been a very strong theme with the 3 Mercury Retrogrades and the clposing of 2016......have you been able to let go?
If not then look at how you can create a ritual that will enable you to do so and then you can gp into 2017 lighter and not weighed down by your past. Maybe meditate on what you need to let go( see it floating away, the cord between you and it being severed), write it down, create or draw a representation of what you need to let go then burn it or release to the sea or speak it to the winds, release it to the universe in what ever way speaks to you.
Once you have let it go then it is time to welcome in the new year and new beginnings, be intentional as you consider what it is you want to manifest in 2017. You can also meditate on this, welcoming it in, embracing your future, create or draw a represenatation or write postitve affirmations of what you seek but ensure they are in the current tense (I am, I have, I deserve rather than I want, seek or I need) place these where you can see them every day, once again welcome in your manifestation in a way that works for you. You can do this over the next week or even on New Years Eve or Day.
I wish you all a wonderful, happy and safe festive season and after a long overdue break with my loved ones I will be back in 2017.